With a rich, nutty, earthy flavour and hints of velvet, almond and walnut, our Organic Pioppino (Black Poplar) are a beautiful reflection of the stunning wilderness environment that surrounds us here at Deer Manor. Farmed with patience and care on our Scottish estate, our Organic Pioppinos take on a tender firmness when cooked. The mushroom lovers’ mushroom, chefs and foodies rate our Organic Pioppino mushrooms for the beautiful texture and taste that comes from its organic, slow, patient cultivation. Typically found in our Organic Gourmet Medley and Gourmet Medley subscription, the months this mushroom takes to cultivate are well worth the wait. Beautifully versatile, and a mainstay in Asian and Italian cuisine, our Organic Black Poplar works fabulously with any of the 130+ recipes in our heirloom cookbook.